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Why are we interested in....

Cell Adhesion

To know more about the "Matrix of Multicellular Life" do look up the article shared below 

Matrix of LIfe.jpg
Matrix of Life_iWonder.jpg

If you are a science teacher and would like a printer copy of the poster for your school

just email us at adhesionlab (a) gmail dot com and we will be happy to send you the same


Biodiversity refers to the variety of living species on Earth, including plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi. While Earth’s biodiversity is so rich that many species have yet to be discovered, many species are being threatened with extinction due to human activities, putting the Earth’s magnificent biodiversity at risk.

Moths Final.jpg

You can buy a quality print of this POSTER for Rs500 + shipping charges, with all proceeds going to DISHA @IISER,Pune.  You can email us at adhesionlab (a) gmail dot com



The pandemic meant, like so many of you were were stuck on campus. With a 8 year old at home this was only that much more challenging.

Environmental education is essential to stem current dramatic biodiversity loss, and childhood is considered as the key period for developing awareness and positive attitudes toward nature

We hence spent the winter of 2020 photographing Moths on campus as a simple way to identify their diversity on campus.


This endeavour made possible by iNaturalist

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